This Week: Cox and T-Mobile Sue Each Other, Visible Gets Hacked, When Does Tracfone Get Regulatory Approval?
Analysts Don Kellogg and Roger Entner discuss the latest news in telecom, media, and technology.
0:26: Cox Communications filed a lawsuit against T-Mobile, in January 2021, and a ruling has been made.
2:10: A brief history of why there would be an exclusivity agreement with T-Mobile and Cox Communications.
4:38: It looks like Cox is stuck with T-Mobile and higher-than-market rates right now. The DOJ & FCC may get into the disagreement.
6:20: Mobile X is launching on Verizon.
7:46: T-Mobile seems to be moving out of MVNO carriers. What benefit would that have to them?
9:11: Visible is in the news this week for a data breach.
12:36: Timeline for the Tracfone merger - will it get approved with the current makeup with the FCC?
Tags: telecom, telecommunications, business, wireless, cellular phone, cellular service, Don Kellogg, Roger Entner, Recon Analytics, MVNO, Cox Communications, T-Mobile, Sprint, Charter, Comcast, Altice, Verizon, Charlie Ergen, Boost, John Legere, Tracfone, FCC, MobileX