Episode 235

Published on:

17th Mar 2025

This Week: Connecting First Responders with FirstNet President Scott Agnew

Analysts Don Kellogg and Roger Entner are joined by Scott Agnew, President of AT&T

FirstNet, to discuss their ongoing commitment to public safety and what first

responders can expect next.

00:24 FirstNet overview

03:58 Partnership with state-level public safety

05:10 How deployables work in emergencies

07:27 FirstNet's all-band approach to spectrum

08:38 What's next for FirstNet?

11:28 Public-private partnership relations

12:28 Episode wrap-up

Tags: telecom, telecommunications, wireless, prepaid, postpaid, cellular phone, Don

Kellogg, Roger Entner, Scott Agnew, AT&T, FirstNet, first responders,

government, 4G, 5G, public safety, deployables, Band 14, MegaRange, AST,

satellite, connectivity, public-private partnership

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About the Podcast

The Week with Roger
An Analysts Perspective on Telecom
Each week, join Roger Entner and the Recon Analytics team for an analysts perspective on the world of telecom.